Liu Zhao
- Associate Professor
- China
Dr. Liu Zhao is an Associate Professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts(CAFA).She is a member of the Chinese Artists Association, an external researcher of the Institute of Modern Advertising at Peking University, member of Chinese Character Form Information Professional Committee of Chinese Information Processing Society of China, board member and China country delegate of the Association Typographique Internationale (ATypI), script chairman of the Chinese category of the International Granshan Typography Competition, judge of the D&AD Awards 2020 and 2023, Deputy Director of Chinese Typography Art and Design Research Center of Central Academy of Fine Arts, researcher of Typography Studio at Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts College at Shanghai University, Marketing manager of TypeTogether China.
Dr Liu Zhao was the leader of two national research projects, including "Way of Type – Modernisation of Chinese Typography", which has toured nine stops in mainland China and three countries abroad since 2022, with more touring plans in the future. Dr Liu Zhao’s works have twice been selected for the five-yearly National Art Exhibition. She has participated in exhibitions and lectured in many countries and cities in China and abroad. She is the curator of the "Way of Type" series of academic activities. She is the lead designer of Noto Fangsong Khitan Small Script, Google Noto Traditional Nushu, which won the TDC Award and the D&AD 2021 Wooden Pencil, and she alos is the consultant for the redesign of Google Noto Serif Tangut, and one of the designers of Noto Sans CJK and Noto Serif CJK (Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan). Leading and contributing to several typography design projects.
My educational idea is to cultivate professional design talents with the cultivation of national cultural traditions and an international perspective through the study of typography, and to guide students to develop core strategies of typography adapted to the local Chinese market by combining aesthetics, science and business studies. Through typography, we aim to better pass on and spread culture, to help improve the cultural literacy of the Chinese people, create the country’s contemporary cultural.
Contact Liu.