Zaahida Nabagereka
- Lit in Colour Programme Manager
- United Kingdom
- Member since 2021
Zaahida Nabagereka is Programme Manager for Lit in Colour, a campaign lead by Penguin Random House and The Runnymede Trust, aiming to make English Literature taught in primary and secondary schools more inclusive. She completed her doctorate at SOAS focusing on linguistic imperialism and how it affects contemporary literature production in indigenous Ugandan languages. She co-founded Afrikult, a literary organisation seeking to widen access to African literatures through interactive workshops in 2014. Since then Arikult has devised and facilitated workshops at schools, festivals and conferences in England, Wales, Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria and Kenya. Zaahida has guest lectured at SOAS, UCL, UEA and is also a Visiting Lecturer on the BA English programme at City, University of London.
Contact Zaahida.