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Digital & Social Jury

  • D&AD Awards 2024

Marketing campaigns and communications that primarily make use of technology, data and digital platforms.

This is for advertising work only; design work, such as the creation of graphics, digital experiences and spaces should be submitted into the Digital Design category.


You can enter your work in the following subcategories.

  • 1001 - Integrated

    Integrated campaigns that run primarily on digital platforms.
  • 1002 - Promotional Websites

    Promotional websites, microsites, landing pages and brochures launched to promote a product or service that are not the brand's main site.
  • 1003 - Search & Display

    Search and display advertising. For example banners, pop-ups, sponsored posts, video ads, pre-rolls, takeovers, competitions and Google Ads.
  • 1004 - Social

    Advertising for social platforms. Includes work that uses a social media platform’s time delay, algorithm, censoring rules, functionality or formats.
  • 1005 - Mobile

    Advertising for mobile devices. Includes location-specific technology, in-app advertising, mobile-friendly content and experiences.
  • 1006 - Physical & Digital

    Advertising that uses physical and digital component(s) in tandem to engage with a user and deliver a marketing message. Judges will be looking at how the two elements complement each other and work cohesively.
  • 1007 - Tactical

    Marketing in the form of newsjacking. Combines creative ideas and a breaking news story or a trending topic to generate maximum coverage and social media engagement for a brand, leading to an immediate impact.
  • 1008 - User Participation

    Campaigns designed to actively engage their audience, for example by asking them to contribute to the campaign or a brand initiative.
  • 1009 - Use of Micro-Talent & Influencers

    Campaigns that use micro-talent or micro-influencers – those with niche audiences or over 1,000 followers – to increase engagement and target specific markets.
  • 1010 - Use of Talent & Influencers

    Campaigns that use popular social media influencers or celebrities, usually with a following of 100,000+, to increase engagement and target specific markets.
  • 1011 - Use of XR & Emerging Technology

    Marketing that uses new technologies and emerging media to push the boundaries of creativity, or the reimagining of old technology in a new, creative way. This includes the use of blockchain, and all Extended Reality (XR) including but not limited to the use of AR, VR, & MR to change the way brands interact with consumers.
  • 1013 - Use of Data

    Campaigns that use data to enhance the idea, amplify brand narrative, drive commercial success or improve customer experience, either online or offline. Includes internal or external data; big data, real time data and competitive data.
  • 1015 - Storytelling

    Advertising that leverages the features of a digital platform to make the user feel part of the story, elevating the viewing experience. For example the use of interactive narratives or POV films.