The Micropedia of Microaggressions
Graphite Pencil / Digital Design / Health & Wellbeing / 2022
Microaggressions are everyday slights and snubs repeatedly experienced by people from marginalised groups. While less obvious than overt forms of discrimination, research shows they can still cause lasting mental and emotional harm. Canada’s leading diversity, equality and inclusion groups realised that change would only come through self-awareness, so they joined forces to create The Micropedia, the world’s first encyclopedia of microaggressions. By showing the harmful impact of microaggressions, people can unlearn their unconscious biases, immediately change behaviours and create lasting societal impact.
What did the judges have to say?
"With a simple and clear design, micro-aggressions in many areas of life are made visible and explainable. Navigation between the topics is also handled in a playful way. The card design used enables a clear presentation on different devices."
Antje Kruse-Schomaker, Executive Design Director, IBM iX
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